The women's ministry began in 2010 after great need was seen in the pastor’s household, highlighting the holistic needs the wives face. Today, the need continues as many pastors struggle in understanding their responsibility to their families: some have their priorities in the wrong place – with their ministry coming first at all times - while others completely ignore their financial obligations to their family. Often, pastors are not in a place where they can provide even the basic needs of their home. Therefore, most pastors’ wives benefit from business skills training in order to contribute to the financial needs of the household.

...many pastors’ wives lack biblical training and suffer from low self-worth

What is more, many pastors’ wives lack biblical training and suffer from low self-worth, and for these reasons feel they can not contribute as they should in the work of ministry. PDN’s women’s ministry was established in response to these needs and we continue to seek to touch the lives of pastor’s wives and women leaders with the transforming power of Jesus Christ through trainings in discipleship, business and life skills.

  • Foundational theology (NT and OT Survey)

  • Women in Ministry

  • Women in Leadership

  • The Role of the Pastors Wife in Ministry Today

  • Funding Your Mission

  • Inductive Bible study methods training: 15 women.

  • Business Skills and Life Skills training: 100 women.

  • Soap Making Training

  • Snack making Training.

  • Mushroom Growing and Marketing.

  • Bakery skills using firewood.

Two Models Have Been Developed To Train Pastors’ Wives & Women Leaders

(1) IGA - Income Generating Activities Model

The focus of our IGA training for women is to equip pastor's wives and women leaders with basic business skills for self-reliance. The training educates women in how to best take advantage of resources at their disposal.

Key activities include: poultry rearing, mushroom growing, kitchen gardening, piggery, tailoring lessons, crafts making, as well as cooking/baking lessons.

(2) BCS - Biblical, Cultural & Self-view Model

Biblical: The PDN Women Ministry trains pastor’s wives and women leaders in Discipleship and Inductive Bible Study method with the objective of supporting the women to know Christ and minister effectively to others within their churches and communities.


Cultural:  Cultural view correction program tackles what African culture teaches about women. Some of these beliefs create a self-defeating image for women. Many times cultural beliefs and practices hinder women from participating in church thus limiting the extent to which the woman can serve or offer their skills. The PDN trainings focus on boosting the self-worth of women by how they view themselves in the light of the Word of God and their identity in Christ.

Self-view: The Self-view training enables women to function confidently and completely without looking down on themselves and other people. Low self-esteem can lead to many self-degrading patterns, such as disregarding personal rights, depression, failure to reach full potential, or tolerating abusive situations and relationships. PDN seeks to address all these needs through biblically-based training.